Sunday, February 22, 2015


My list is incomprehensible, and I am only 17. Well 17+17= 2ce as many regrets as I have now. I'm no mathematician, but I can count my regrets...each with its own definition.
I regret eating that chocolate cake...there blows my diet
I regret watching that satanic I will never sleep again
I regret not asking that boy to the dance...My chance is over
I regret texting you all I slept through church and got in trouble
I regret sluffing that class...Attendance school is my new best friend
I regret hitting that cat..but he ran out in front of me
I regret not giving you a chance..maybe you were my future
I regret not giving my brother a birthday present..maybe that was his last
I regret telling you my deepest much do I trust you?
I regret leaving mad...I never got the chance to apologize..........
Oh wait that's only 10...but in my heart...I can name 10x1000.
STOP LIVING with the WHAT IF'S or the IF THEN's...the only regret you want to have when you die is that time you didn't eat that candy bar when an apple was your better option..maybe that doesn't even make sense, but


A Brickhead...
They will almost certainly laugh too often, in order to cover the tracks of any jokes that they might not get.
The idea basically being that they have a brick/cement head and therefore no brain.

Brickheads are the best kind of full of life, and high off of laughter as they spread their contagious smile. For one day, forget about all your problems, stresses, regrets,
...............................................................and just be a #brickhead for once...because like they say, Life is better when you're laughing. :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sharp things

Needles...well obviously
Nelson's head
My middle fingernail
puppies teeth
wire hanger
Vampire fangs
Peanut butter
My words
Spikey dog collar
puffer fish
A rose is beautiful, but it can be deceiving..touch the stem and you'll see why
fish hook
leg hairs

Mending A Broken Heart

Love is a weapon. It can either make, or break you.
Telling yourself you love him, but watching him kiss another girl, wait
1, 2, 3 girls later....but you still love him. You watch him write songs for other girls, yet
you still remember that one song he wrote to you...the one about love, and how it never fails
when you want it to last. Your heart aches as he passes you in the hall, that awkward moment
when saying hi is too much, the feeling of disappointment when flash backs of your last kiss
cage in your head. You still love him...but you have to let go.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

what if.....

What if we are all living within a dream?
What if god didn't exist?
What if our own government was planning war against us?
What if chocolate was really a drug?
What if school went only to 5th grade?
What if we couldn't feel pain?
What if Nelson was my brother?
What if there were no dentist?
What if I changed my gender?
What if I supported gay marriage?
What if I stole money from my dads bank account?
What if I told you I have been arrested?
What if religion didn't exist?
What if I married my high school sweetheart?
What if I told you I have been raped?
What if McDonalds went out of business?
What if Aliens exist?
What if earth crashed into the sun?
What if there were never cops?
What if dinosaurs are still alive on an undiscovered island?
What if I told you I was dating a 30 year old?
What if pigs could fly?
What if some of these things I told you were true....would you believe me? Well, don't believe everything you hear. There are always 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Stop Being Perfect

For one day, stop being so normal. Stop showing everyone you really care about what they ate for breakfast, or who they are going on a date with Friday. Who cares? The sad truth is, we show people only the good side to prove we are no different than them.
What ever happened to the you that use to dress up in your momma's clothes and high heals?
The you who use to be bullied, and now are the bully?
The you who use to eat pizza for breakfast, but now won't even eat breakfast...
What ever happened to the you who likes to make their own opinion, or shout their belief statement. Stop falling into the traps of the ongoing everyday routine. Be your own kind of unique. We are not ROBOTS who are programmed to be one way everyday, we are individuals who will all end up in the same place, but will take different roads getting there.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

oh darling don't you ever grow up

I am 5 again. I don't understand a single math equation, but I get excited to add 4+1. My little hands can hardly grip the doorknob to open our car door. I get so excited on  Christmas morning and wake up Mommy and Daddy because Santa came last night. I love imagining my life as a famous person, and practice my autograph so it's perfect when i'm old. I love lemonade stands, and would rather eat mud than take a nap during the day. Daytime is for play time. There is no time to sleep when you're young.