Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lesson #7

Lesson #7...Never and when I say never I mean never ever text while backing up. I learned that lesson the hard way....hitting my moms parked car definitely took some talent when one is not even moving. Why is texting and driving illegal? Well, now I know. I figured out I can't multitask even if it's the smallest of things. I can't even think straight half the time and get sidetracked when people talk to me. I promise, I'm a good listener, only when the subject is interesting. If you tell me about your day, chances are I will get lost in a gaze of dreams I wish to come true. You will loose me by mid first sentence. See as we speak I'm already sidetracked...we started with don't text and drive, and end with day dreams. I am in my own daze right now. Maybe I should just stop typing...
                                            ok, bye.
Oh..And you're probably wondering what this picture has to do with anything?? Well it has everything to do with anything...this is the exact essence of a day dream...wouldn't you say so?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Undecisive Self

They feel sad, They feel lonely, Depressed, afraid....They express their soul. Every ambition, dream, lie, becomes their reality. How well do people really know me? All they see if my "happy" wanna please my family, friends, enemies' side. Do they know that once upon a time my dad held a gun to his head and was about to leave his family fatherless, his wife widowed?  Do they know I have a gay brother who is judged beyond measure, but without thinking twice shows love to those who despise him? Do they know 4 out of my 8 siblings are Alcoholic drinkers, late night party hookers? Do they know I was sexually abused as a child? No, no they don't. They will never know the true me. We only see what is on the outside. Try looking beyond that you see, past the looks, past the flaws, and in ones true self. I can not please everyone, but I can try to please myself. To accept what has happened and face reality. I can not change those around me, but I can always be the change.