Sunday, April 5, 2015

Worn Out Soles

You walked every step, up every hill, and over every rock.
You got wet, you got torn, you got dirty.

You wore tired, no you tattooed tired all over you, so did I.
I replaced you. I replaced you because you were falling apart. I sat you on a shelf one, two, ten, fifty years.
You got dusty, I grew old.
I couldn't walk anymore. The feet you once covered were unstable and paralyzed.
My soul was weary. Your sole was broken.
I remember the day you laughed at me and said now we are the same. Now you are just like me, and we will never move again, but then I remember when we did walk every step,
When we climbed every hill, and over every rock.
And I remember when you were always looking up at me, never down because the ground was only there to catch us if we fell.



  1. "You wore tired, no you tattooed tired all over you, so did i"
    "My soul was weary, your soul was broken."
    The last line

    Holy crap all of this.

  2. This is so good. Seriously. The last line. Power.

  3. Freaking amazing! "And I remember when you were always looking up at me, never down because the ground was only there to catch us if we fell."
    TEACh me how to be poetic! :)
