Sunday, February 8, 2015

what if.....

What if we are all living within a dream?
What if god didn't exist?
What if our own government was planning war against us?
What if chocolate was really a drug?
What if school went only to 5th grade?
What if we couldn't feel pain?
What if Nelson was my brother?
What if there were no dentist?
What if I changed my gender?
What if I supported gay marriage?
What if I stole money from my dads bank account?
What if I told you I have been arrested?
What if religion didn't exist?
What if I married my high school sweetheart?
What if I told you I have been raped?
What if McDonalds went out of business?
What if Aliens exist?
What if earth crashed into the sun?
What if there were never cops?
What if dinosaurs are still alive on an undiscovered island?
What if I told you I was dating a 30 year old?
What if pigs could fly?
What if some of these things I told you were true....would you believe me? Well, don't believe everything you hear. There are always 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs, and the truth.


  1. I've never thought about that 3 sides thing. But I'm realizing it's absolutely true.

  2. Yaaaaaaaaaas. Good questions.

    Did you get the 3 sides thing from wright? I did.

    Either way. Great post

  3. Huh. But i think chocolate really is a drug. Im pretty sure im addicted. Great post. i guess i loved it because it made me think.
