Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day by Day

"Hey Tirk!!, since the juniors are taking the ACT Tuesday, we are all going to hang out, maybe get sushi, and go to Lowes!"

Terik: "That sounds so fun! I forget we don't have to come to school...What a relief, but yea, i'll see if I can get work off to come."

It was like any normal day. The sun was shining, classes were going, and the world around us was spinning...He walked away and went to class, as did did I.

I walk pass that same hallway by the gym at lunch, expecting to see him there with a big smile sitting under that same turquoise locker...someone I can vent to, someone who will listen, someone who will simply tell me everything is ok....I wait, I wait...And yet...I'm still waiting.

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